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We accept all patients from age 14 and above.
Preparation for your appointment
Making an appointment is seamless and easy to do. Please contact us at your convenience we are always happy to help.
Dr. Gomaa is a great doctor she is very passionate and caring. I felt so comfortable talking to her on my first visit. She is good at explaining things and made the delivery as successful as it can be.
N. Story
Amazing place, clean, amazing people.
K. Linn
ارتحت كتير مع دكتورة منى - شافتنى فى ايامى الاولى من الحمل و تابعت معاها حتى الولادة. المستشفى نظيفة .و المتابعة ممتازة و الدكتورة تبزل قصارى جهدها لمتابعتنا و راحتنا. لا شك انى سوف ارسل اليها كل اصحابى و معارفى ان شاء الله
سلوى العصامى
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